NewsTardy Ken

December 15, 2022by Booking Team

Apologies for being 12 days late with this! On Wednesday 23rd November Team 3’s home fixture against Edinburgh University Team 3b was postponed because of the hall lighting problems. That meant that on Friday 25th November they had to travel to Edinburgh University to play the much better Edinburgh University Team 3 without the benefit of a recent match to give confidence. Anyway in match 2 our star player Shashi found himself two ends down to Chuyun Zhang, who was a nice player with heavy backhand chops and apparently unmissable hard forehand hits. Shashi wisely ignored any advice from Ken, who was umpiring, and somehow managed to win the next three ends, to secure his best win of the season so far. Meanwhile George just had the better of another five-end encounter against Yu Xia, a PhD student from the previous academic year. So the visitors were 2-0 up, yaayy! However, true to current form, Ken could not cope AT ALL with Sheikh’s changes of direction, and side spin, so he quickly lost to secure the hosts first win. In match 4 George was very impressive against Chuyun, three straight! So the visitors were 3-1 up. Match 5 was a repeat of a Division 4 encounter last season, when Yu won three straight. This time Ken managed to win on five, which again he was pleased to contribute. In match 6 Shashi, for the second time of the night, recovered from two ends down to beat Sheikh in five. George and Shashi winning the doubles three straight secured the overall win, though they tried hard to lose the third end! In match George was unlucky on five ends against Sheikh, and Ken blew a promising first end to allow Chuyun to recover on four ends. Shashi ended matters three straight over Yu, so for the second week running Shashi won his three, George won two, Ken won one and the top two won the doubles to make a 7-3 away win.